Thursday, April 28, 2016

What If a Whole City Prayed

The Message
Luke 22:42 Jesus saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me;  yet not My will, but Yours be done.”
When do we ever kneel? I'd say when proposing marriage or when praying
We get lower than the other person and submit our request to them or submit our whole self to them.

Even Jesus knelt to pray. It was just before he went to the cross. He wasn't afraid the cross, he just wanted to ask God if there was another way. If not, he would do it any way because that was God,'s plan for him.

We don't know unless we ask. And when we ask, we should ask right. Kneeling in prayer is to show God that he is in charge-not us. Some prayers go unanswered because we are not asking the right way or because we are not humble. We may be missing the big picture.

The Mix
a city with one king lyrics
City With One King by Toby Mac
City on Our Knees by Tony Mac (Golden Snax Remix) talks about how awesome it would be if everyone was living for God's will in thier life right now. Some amazing things would would happen; we could be more like family and we could experience what God's plan for us is. Try a little humility and see what God can do.

The dubstep drop on this track so good and its worth the wait. I love the suspense, the build up and then the pay off.


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