Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Am I Too Comfortable?

The Message
Most Americans are rich by world standards. And when God's word talks about the rich man, you better believe he is talking about you and I-the average Joe.

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

The Mix
Uncomfortable by Andy Mineo

It's funny how You Tube has this listed with explicit lyrics. I promise you, there is not one curse word. 
 Maybe someone thought he said SH$% when he says "ship".

"If they jumpin' ship now
they was never on board."

Andy does make a cynical statement about liquor, weed & wi-fi. But he is not glorying it-I'm sure of that. This is a warning and a wake up call. Anyone can see that.

If you are having a difficult time being grateful and giving thanks, just think about everything we have that is beyond the basics; food, clothes and a roof over our heads. Everything else is a bonus. 
Don't get too comfortable with the luxuries of this life  because it will cost you in the next.
We are not given what we have just for ourselves. Reach out to someone in need today and show them how good God is. 


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