Sunday, January 29, 2012

7 Cool Christian Dub Step Tracks

7 Cool Christian Dub Step Tracks
by DJ Seaquest of The Message Mix-Positive Dance

I'm writing this to you not as an expert on Dub Step but, just like you may be, on an exciting journey of discovery. I have been in search of Christian Dub Step music with spiritual lyrics that is not only available for purchase but also not too cheesy. That's not too much to ask, right? Well, so far it has not been easy to find. There are plenty of "free" Dub Step remixes out there on You Tube or Soundcloud that have been created by users. Unfortunately, most of them are illegal because the users do not have the copyrights to remix someone else's music. I put the word free in quotes because I know from my former music pirating experiences (which I am not proud of) that it does comes with a price. Call me old fashioned but now I have a personal conviction to not download music illegally. If you would like to know more about that spiritual adventure then keep your eye out for my article "Once I Was A Music Pirate" (coming soon) . However, there are some perfectly legal and free downloads out there such as original copyright free tracks posted directly by the artists or tracks that contain short samples of popular stuff like Jesus Music by Lecrae (Dub Step Remix by Karac) which is most excelent and listed below. When people ask me about this conservative stance that I take on downloading, my response is something like can I glorify God with my DJ skills if I'm spinning illegally downloaded or stolen music? Ok, I'll get down off my soapbox now...let's get back to the music talk.

I'm sure Christian Dub Step as well as Dub Step in general are still on the rise into mainstream. It is ascending from the underground into more popular music. I think it still has a way to go before reaching the climax. Now it's popping up in T.V. commercials and popular tunes on the radio. I have even heard country Dub Step. Yee Haw! I'm not kidding. My prediction is that by summer of 2012 or 2013, music on the radio and in the media will contain a generous serving of your favorite wubs, wobbles and deliciously dubby beats. The trend of Dub Step appearing during the breakdown portion of songs will continue and then maybe we will hear some full length tracks. This is exactly how old school break beat or break dance music became popular in the 70s and 80s. I am anxiously waiting to see if history will repeat itself.
I recently heard someone express their disapproval with my DJing at a Christian event. They said to their friend "this isn't a club". I heard it even over the loud music because my mutant power is super hearing so be careful what you say around me :). This happened while I was spinning a hip-hop and dance mix set. This comment reminded me of when people said that rock is the music of the devil. Well, guess what? These days most non-denominational and contemporary Christian churches are lead guessed it...rock bands. I wonder what these people will say when they hear Dub Step. Can we show some tolerance for music preferences, my fellow believer? The moral of the story is that it doesn't matter too much because the word of God says "but with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you" (1 Corinthians 4:3). Electronic Christian Music (ECM) is not new and I seriously doubt DJs will replace bands for worship. But it's due for a comeback and I'm just carrying out my orders regardless of what skeptics say. Something wonderful happened that night as well so I want to say thanks to my new friend for encouraging me. Your positive feedback was something I needed to hear and right on time. You were actually part of something bigger and you didn't even know it. I think your spiritual gift is encouragement so keep it up. You know who you are.

You have waited long it is. My list of the 7 Cool Christian Dub Step tracks that are available for purchase and/or legal download. They are available on iTunes, or You Tube. And this is just the beginning. I plan on posting more in the future.

1. Track(s): True Paradox
Artist: DJ 4 Real & Breaker
Album: True Paradox.

You Tube Link
True Paradox (Extended Mix)

2. Track(s): Dance of the Dust
Album: Dance
Artist: Michael Ketterer & Har Megiddo

You Tube Link

3 & 4. Track(s): Not Ashamed & Found in You
Artist: Soul Survivor
Album: Worship Remix

Side note: Not Ashamed begins as a dance track but ends with a big Dub Step finish around 3:10.
Found in You does not technically contain Dub Step or Hip Hop drum beats but it has very dubby lines and riffs on top of the "4 on the floor" dance beats.

Found in You
You Tube Link

Not Ashamed
You Tube Link
Soul Survivor Worship Remix

5. Track(s): Psalm 150 (Dub Step)
Artist: Slovak (AAA Band Productions)
Album: Origins of Dub Step
You Tube Link

6 & 7. Track(s): Jesus Music (Samples by Lecrae) (Dub Step Remix)  & Red Pill a Karac Original.
Artist: Karac (You Tube user name ThatGuyKarac)
Free (and legal) downloads available on You Tube. Follow the links below.

Jesus Music (Samples by Lecrae) (Dub Step Remix)
You Tube Link

Red Pill (Original Track)
You Tube Link

Thanks for listening and reading! Remember "faith comes by hearing" (Romans 10:17) so share this with anyone who has ears.

You are loved,

DJ Mike Seaquist
The Message Mix-Positive Dance

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